Projekt Passion [18+] Mod Apk icon

Download Projekt Passion [18+] Mod Apk updated to latest version 0.5 with many Premium / MOD / APK features mentioned below:

Ported to Android
Patreon Version Free Download
Removed Debug Information
Optimized APK

Download Projekt Passion [18+] Mod Apk v0.5

File Information

Version: 0.5
Size: 302.17 MB
App Category
Devloper: Classy Lemon
App Status:  Ported to Android

How to Download Mods / App on Geekaxe:

See Now

App Installation / Other instructions

Uninstall the Previous version, and install the downloaded version.

Projekt Passion [18+] Mod Apk Description

MOD Apk Files:

Apk File name with “MOD”  “Pro” “Unlocked” or “Premium” will enable the hack or Unlock your game/App. Make sure you provide proper permission for modded APK for the app/game to function normally.


Will This MOD Works in Emulators:

Yes this MOD will work in all emulators. but we recommend using an Android phone for better gameplay and to prevent getting covered by Anti ban or OS limitations by developers.


Ported to Android:

We made it possible to play this game/app on your Android phone, tablet, or Smart tv, by converting SDK and other developer files which are used in this App/Game.


Patreon Version for Free:

Yes, this is free on GeekAxe because we have other different internal sources with developers to make Apps or Games available to the public for “FREE“, developers and we want to test our app or game before/after releases with beta features.


Removed Debug Information:

Here with this feature, we have removed all unnecessary information that is needed for a developer to debug the app/game. but sending or creating a log for debugging will make the app/game function slowly, the reason why we removed it.


Optimized APK:

We have optimized this game/app to make the file size smaller without compromising in-game/app functions, which helps us to download files as fast as possible.


About Game:

Earth has long since been abandoned, and what remains of humanity is now spread out across the galaxy. So what happened at Earth? That part of history has long since been lost to obscurity. But what do you care? You have your own problems to deal with.
You’ve just survived an assassination attempt at the cost of your apartment. Sounds like any other day of the week, right? Right, only this time your partner has mysteriously vanished as well, and it’s your duty to find out where she went! Word of warning: the answer may lead to… bigger adventures than you’d planned for. Better pack an extra lunch.

Changelog in version 0.5

Fixed some bugs

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